(1) If the fractions have the same denominator, we only need to compare the numerators.
Eg. Compare 17/23 to 19/23.
Since 19 >17 it follows that the answer is 17/23 < 19/23.
(2) If the fractions have different denominators, we need to convert them to an equivalent fraction with the same denominator before comparing the numerators.
Eg.Compare 3/4 to 13/16.
3/4=12/16, since 12 <13 it follows that the answer is 3/4<13/16.
When comparing fractions with different denominators, we should first convert them to an equivalent fractions with the same denominator.So we have
2717 < 2805 < 2925, so the answer is 19/15 <17/13 <15/11 .
1)Basic knowledge:
Compare b/a to d/c (a,c≠0)
Converting them into fractions with the same denominator,we have
So it's only necessary to compare the numerators, that is, b·c and d·a.
If b·c < d·a, b/a<d/c;
If b·c = d·a, b/a=d/c;
If b·c > d·a, b/a>d/c;
Compare these fractions pairwise.
Compare 15/11 to 19/15, 15×15=225,11×19=209, 225 > 209, so 15/11>19/15.
Step 2:
Compare 15/11 to 17/13, 15×13=195,11×17=187, 195 > 187, so 15/11 > 17/13.
Step 3:
Compare 19/15 to 17/13,19×13=247,17×15=255, 247 < 255, so 19/15 < 17/13 .
In summary, the answer is 19/15 < 17/13 < 15/11.
We found that the difference between the numerator and denominator of these fractions is the same,so we can split the fraction into the form of “1+__” or “1-__” .
15/11 = 1+4/11 , 19/15= 1+4/15 , 17/13= 1+4/13
Now, we just to compare 4/11, 4/15, and 4/13, 4/11> 4/13> 4/15, so the answer is 19/15< 17/13 < 15/11.
Tips: If we change this problem to comparing 7/11, 11/15, and 9/13, we can split the fraction into the form of “1-__”.
7/11= 1-4/11, 11/15 =1-4/15,9/13 =1- 4/13
At this point, we only need to compare 4/11 , 4/15, and 4/13,it is worth noting that in this case, the larger the fraction, the smaller its original value, 4/11>4/13>4/15, so the answer is 7/11<9/13<11/15.
(1)Which of the following is the correct order of the fractions 13/9 ,17/13, and 15/11,from least to greatest?
(2)Which of the following is the correct order of the fractions 5/9, 9/13, and 7/11 from least to greatest?
(1) 17/13 <15/11 <13/9
(2) 5/9 <7/11 < 9/13